Dream Biz Lounge

Your way, your pay, your success!

Hands up if you can relate...

✖ Are you working all the hours in your business but your take home pay is not reflecting this?

✖ Do you take on more work to pay the bills when you are already struggling for time?

✖ Does a family / work-life balance seem as unlikely as winning the lottery?

✖ Do you struggle to say no and set clear boundaries?

✖ Do you have big goals for your business but not got the funds to make them happen?

✖ Does your business making money rely on you, so you find it hard to take time off?

What if...

✔ You could take home more money today without having to take on more clients so you could have the flexibility you crave but still have a good income

✔ You had a clear vision of what the future looked like for you and your business & had a plan implemented on how to get there with regular accountability to make sure you stay on track

✔ Your business could run like clockwork, even if you weren’t there – imagine taking time off & still making money!

✔ Every sale you made was to your ideal client, during your ideal hours in exchange for an ideal price.

Introducing a better way...

As a business owner, its normal to get overwhelmed in the day to day running of your business and juggling your other commitments. Planning for the future can feel like a waste of time when you can’t see past this week! However failing to plan, will inevitably lead to you still juggling this time next year or worse - you could risk burn out and give up on your

But what if I could show you how taking small regular blocks of time away from the day to day work, to plan for the future, can transform how you run your business.

& even better – what if we could do this in a group setting, at a low cost, where you have accountability to stick to your goals and learn from each other.

If this sounds like exactly what you need right now, I’m delighted to introduce you to my membership group Dream Biz Lounge – Your way, your pay, your success! All you need to do is show up to the calls, interact and set some time aside to work on you and your business. I know time is the biggest issue for all of us business owners so not only do I deliver great information sessions, but there are also work-along clinics to make sure you take action!

Why should you invest with me?

Hi, I'm Ciara!

I’ve been there, working long hours, taking money inconsistently and unable to budget at home.

I now take a monthly salary and was able to take on employees in the business.

I now work part time hours allowing me to be there for school pickups with the kids and to take a lot of time off over the summer to spend time with them.

I’ve been working with business owners for nearly 20 years through my business Accounts by Ciara, and as a mentor with Enterprise Nation.

I’m a Certified Profit First Advisor and help business owners take home more pay while still creating their ideal business.

My ‘Profit First Made Simple’ model has been proven to work with businesses of all sizes no matter what stage of business they are at.

What's included?

✔ Once a month classes covering topics such as: Profit first for both business and personal; planning for your dream future; systemising your business to give you freedom; dealing with money blocks; and
much, much more!

✔ Once a month work-along clinic to put start putting plans in place & ask questions

✔ Downloadable tools and resources

✔ Bonus sessions with exciting guest speakers

Only £27 per month

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