Profit First Payday Makeover

30 days to a healthier take home pay!

Does this sound familiar?

✖ Are you fed up with inconsistent take home pay?

✖ Do you regularly juggle bank accounts to just stay afloat?

✖ Are you working all the hours in your business but take home pay not reflecting this?

✖ Does going back to employment appeal to you for income security and regular working hours?

✖ Does a family/work life balance seem as unlikely as winning the lottery?

What if...

✔ You could take home a consistent amount of income each month on a set day so you can budget better at home?

✔ You could take home more money today without having to take on more clients so you could have the flexibility you crave but still retain a good income?

Its normal to think that taking home more money means taking on more work. Fear then kicks 😱 in as you realise this means working even more hours!

But what if I could show you a very simple solution 💡 that could transform your take home pay without needing more customers?

Even better – what if I could show you how to get this solution working in your business in just 30 days? 🙌

If you were nodding your head agreeing, then the good news is that this solution does exist ✔ and you can get it right now!

My Profit First made Simple model will show you how Profit First techniques can transform your take home pay 💸 and how to get it implemented in just 30 days!

All you need to do is show up and implement the simple to follow steps. Then sit back and watch the transformation begin. 📈

Why should you invest with me?

Hi, I'm Ciara!

I’ve been there, working long hours, taking money inconsistently and unable to budget at home.

I now take a monthly salary and was able to take on employees in the business.

I now work part time hours allowing me to be there for school pickups with the kids and to take a lot of time off over the summer to spend time with them.

I’ve been working with business owners for nearly 20 years.

I’m a Certified Profit First Advisor and help business owners take home more pay while still creating their ideal business.

My ‘Profit First Made Simple’ model has been proven to work with businesses of all sizes no matter what stage of business they are at.

What's included?

✔ Series of 4 modules – 1 module a week

✔ Short videos explaining steps to take

✔ Unlimited access to materials so you can rewatch

✔ Expenses Cutting Spreadsheet

✔ Profit First Calculator

✔ Access to our Facebook community for additional support

Sign Up Now for only £99 £49!

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